When I admired my son’s gooseberries, he suggested I grow some for myself. ‘I guess I can sacrifice these,’ he said as he handed me a couple of rather dry fruit, neglected at the back of the bush. Is it a sacrifice if he wasn’t going to use them anyway? […]
I am grateful for the recent rain and the benefits it has brought to our lives. For many weeks we had missed out. Sitting on the patio, we watched storm clouds gather in the west. Some drifted off to the south, some to the north and some split in half […]
Some members of our family arranged to meet for a picnic lunch and a ride on a steam train. And yes, the memories came flooding back. I thought of the joys of the railway picnic, getting out of bed before dawn, catching the steam train in Mundubbera and going to […]
We thought we’d lost it to the drought. The hot dry spring parched the land. Water was dripped sparingly to nurture veggies and fruit trees, but not a drop allowed for ornamentals. The jacaranda stood stark and bare, not a leaf or a single bud. In the city the purple […]
I am grateful for the sounds of frogs in my garden pond. Such a wide variety of noises! Out of the corner of my eye I caught sight of a tiny brown striped one on a lotus leaf. But the biggest surprise was the large green one sheltering in my […]
William Shakespeare tells us: ‘There’s rosemary: that’s for remembrance’ but how true was that? As it so happens, it’s perfectly true. Originally a native of the Mediterranean, rosemary grows well in most countries and has many culinary uses. Over the centuries since the Greeks and Romans used it as flavouring […]