Flash Fiction is a blessing!
What could be more satisfying than to bring joy to a lonely person, cheer someone who is ill or comfort someone grieving? Susan Skowronski’s flash fiction is doing just that.
Susan started writing flash fiction in 2014 with a Facebook group – The 52 Week Flash Fiction Challenge. The aim was to write a story up to 500 words each week and provide constructive criticism for each other. The group is in its seventh year and still going strong.
Susan produced two zines as gifts for family and friends. Soon she was asked if these could be made available for use in ‘Blessing Bags.’ These bags are distributed by people from the Anglican Church and contain seven small wrapped gifts for people who are ill, lonely or in need, to be opened one a day for the following week.
Four of Susan’s booklets, printed locally by Snap Printing are used around Australia. Susan was delighted to see some in the Princess Alexandra Hospital oncology waiting room for patients to read.

“Chasing Clouds, a pocketful of smiles” by Susan Skowronski
Reviewed by Jim Higgins
Susan Skowronski has written a collection of flash fiction stories on the adventures and misadventures of a recently retired couple, Frank and Linda, interspersed with reflective poetry that sets a picturesque and delightfully relaxing tone. That tone is set from the first page where Susan writes of her young son Andrew lying in the backyard “just looking at clouds.” “But there are no clouds,” says Susan. “That’s ok”, he said. “I’ll just wait for them.” The reader is immediately drawn into the reflective state of memory that prepares us perfectly for the upcoming tales of travel with Frank and Linda.
The stories cover most eventualities in the world of caravanning, including the joys of some locations and the less than delightful neighbours that sometimes appear. Frank is an avid fisherman and Linda works on her embroidery while providing rich and rewarding observations on the surrounding countryside. Two poems featured in the last issue of SCOPE appear in Susan’s book and are a perfect example of the clarity with which Susan has captured the feel of outback camping.
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